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Launch of Mahlahle — African Languages app for Kids

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Launching Khoikhoi on Angula

We are thrilled to announce a significant expansion to our linguistic family on Angula, your go-to app for diving deep into the heart of African languages. In our continuous quest to bridge cultures and unlock the rich tapestry of Africa's linguistic heritage, we introduce the addition of Khoikhoi, also known as Khoekhoegowab or Nama/Damara, to our platform. The Legacy of Khoikhoi Khoikhoi holds a special place in the annals of African history. Once a dominant language in Southern Africa before Dutch colonisation, its echoes still resonate in parts of the Northern Cape, South Africa, and Southern Namibia. Despite the language's marginalization, its vibrancy lives on through the Namaqua community and the myriad of Khoikhoi words deeply embedded in South African vernacular. From the everyday slang to the names of majestic landscapes, Khoikhoi's influence is unmistakable. Why Khoikhoi on Angula? Our mission at Angula is not just about language learning; it's about cultural

Angula launches Widgets for iOS and Android apps! πŸš€

We're thrilled to announce a significant enhancement to your language learning experience with Angula – the introduction of Widgets on our iOS and Android mobile apps! At Angula, we are dedicated to making the process of learning African languages not only enriching but also seamlessly integrated into your daily life. With the new widgets feature, we aim to bring your learning journey to the forefront of your mobile device, helping you stay connected to your progress effortlessly. πŸš€ Introducing two powerful widgets: Streak widget:  Ever wondered how consistent you've been with your language learning? The Streak widget is here to answer that! This handy widget provides a quick snapshot of your learning streak for a specific language. Watch your streak grow as you stay committed to your daily language lessons. Celebrate milestones and keep the momentum going! Recommendation widget: Say goodbye to decision fatigue! The Recommendation widget suggests the perfect lesson for you

Angula wins Best Educational Solution at MTN App of the Year Awards!

We are thrilled to announce that Angula , our innovative language learning app, has been honored with the prestigious Best Educational Solution award at the MTN App of the Year Awards , held last Thursday in Johannesburg, South Africa. This recognition is a testament to our dedication to making language learning accessible and enjoyable, and we couldn't be more proud to share this exciting news with you, our valued users. A Celebration of Linguistic Diversity Angula , our language-learning app, has been on a mission to bridge gaps and celebrate the rich linguistic diversity of Africa. Our platform goes beyond the conventional language learning approach, focusing specifically on African languages, fostering cultural understanding, and promoting inclusivity.  MTN App of the Year Awards: Recognizing Excellence The MTN App of the Year Awards is a highly regarded South African event that acknowledges outstanding mobile applications that make a significant impact on various aspects of th

Let's celebrate Heritage Month πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡¦

As September dawns upon us, South Africa comes alive with a vibrant celebration of our rich cultural heritage. This month, we proudly honor the tapestry of traditions, histories, and stories that have shaped our Rainbow Nation. September is a time for all South Africans to unite, reflecting upon our diverse heritage and the remarkable journey that has brought us together. Our heritage in South Africa is a testament to the resilience and triumph of a nation that has faced challenges head-on and emerged stronger than ever. It is a source of pride and inspiration, reminding us of the values that bind us as one people. During Heritage Month, let us join hands to: Celebrate Unity in Diversity: Embrace the remarkable diversity that makes our country so unique. Our unity lies in recognizing and respecting the cultural richness of each community. Remember Our History: Reflect upon our shared history, acknowledging both the pain and the progress. Our heritage includes the stories of struggle, r

Discontinuing Vocabulary Builders on Angula

Language learning is an enriching journey that requires comprehensive and effective tools to help learners grasp new concepts and enhance their skills. At Angula, we are committed to providing the best learning experience for our users. With this in mind, we have made the decision to discontinue our Vocabulary Builders for isiZulu , Setswana , isiXhosa , Xitsonga , Sesotho , and Sepedi , effective from the 31st of July. This blog post aims to explain the reasons behind this decision, shed light on the alternative offerings, and address how this change will impact users' statistics and progress. Streamlining Course Offerings: Our primary goal is to streamline our course offerings and provide a more comprehensive learning experience for our users. By focusing on a more structured approach, we can ensure that learners receive a well-rounded education in their target languages. We believe that consolidating our resources and efforts into fewer courses will enable us to deliver more imp

The meaning of months of the year — Xitsonga

Vatsonga have a unique way of marking the passage of time, with each month symbolizing a different aspect of nature and life. In January, they celebrate Sunguti , which represents the beginning or genesis of a new cycle. February is known as Nyenyanyana , a month when baby birds hatch and fill the skies. As March arrives, the birds have grown up, reaching the near adult or adult stage, and it is called Nyenyankulu . April brings Dzivamisoko , a time when herdboys set traps to catch mature birds during the hunting season. May is known as Mudyaxihi , a month of abundance and choice, as the fields yield a variety of food crops for people to enjoy. Khotavuxika arrives in June, marking the start of the cold season. July is called Mawuwani , characterized by light breezes and the subtle sounds of wind passing through the Vatsonga lands. As August comes, the winds intensify, and it becomes Mhawuri , a month of gale winds. In September, Ndzhati arrives, accompanying rainstorms with thunder a